I have a number of hobbies and interests. I enjoy studying languages and learning about how individual languages work as well as how language as a whole functions grammatically and historically, that is how language as changed over time.
I also spend much of my time cooking, researching recipes, and trying to get a deeper understanding of what composes my food. With this understanding, I like to do experiments on various forms of cooking, especially bread baking, take note of the results, wonder how they can be applied, and experiment some more.
As I find myself very busy with classes and walking more and more, I often pass the time by listening to podcasts. Not surprisingly, I listen to podcasts that discuss languages as well as culinary podcasts, my favorite being America's Test Kitchen Radio. Educational podcasts such as one by the American Microbiome Institute, Stuff You Should know, and the AAAS Magazine also are regular favorites. I also utilize podcasts as a way to listen to sermons, some of which personal friends have uploaded.
While an oddity, a wintertime hobby of mine is to experiment with thermogenesis. This usually consists of walking around campus while temperatures are in the single digits wearing jeans and t-shirt, taking note of my comfort level, alertness, and changes in tolerance. I've heard some wild health claims about wearing ice packs, but even so I do wonder what discoveries have yet to be made in this field of research. I like to read research articles on the topic and see if their results match up with mine.
The Navigators, a Christian ministry, has been a big part of my life since Sophomore year of high school. I attend many of their events where we are engaged in deep discussion, logical debate, and genuine friendships.