Beat the Back to School Blues!

Aug 13,2015

It’s that time of year again: the start of a new school year.  This time of year has excited some and filled others with dread.  I was always the student who looked forward to the start of the school year!  Each new school year brought new possibilities and opportunities to my door.  This has held true, especially in college.  Unlike high school, college gives you the chance to take the classes that fully interest and excite you.  My schedule for the upcoming year is awesome, and I can’t wait to dive into each class!  I know, however, that not everyone shares my enthusiasm, so today I will be giving some tips on how to cope with starting school again!


1.  Realize that the start of school is the start of your future.  This idea may sound scary to a lot (believe me, it scares me too).  We should be excited though, because we have the opportunity to impact our future lives and the lives of others.  This idea should make you jump out of bed every morning, striving to do your best.  Just think, your decision to major in political science or history or biology or even dance will impact someone else’s life.  You may end up becoming our next president, curing cancer, or inspiring others to pursue their dreams, no matter how hard it will be.


2.  Dress to impress!  Okay, the last tip was something for you to think about.  This tip is something for you to feel.  We all feel our best when we are dressed in clothes that we like and that shows off our personality.  This is why I suggest that you wear your best outfit on the first day of school.  Now, I don’t mean wearing a ball gown or a tux, or anything even remotely fancy.  I mean that you should wear the outfit that makes you the most comfortable and confident.  Confidence goes a long way in helping one feel their best!


3.  Keep a positive attitude.  This seems simple and, at times, hard to follow.  I completely understand this.  There are times when all of the homework and extracurricular activities start to weigh me down and I get tired and discouraged.  These feelings are hard to ignore; I do, however, have a strategy for coping with them.  I just think about the future I am envisioning for myself.  As soon as I think about that, I know that all of the hard work and long hours I am putting in now will benefit me in the long run.  I know that I am working for the life I want to live, and that gives me hope.


In the end, there is no right way to prepare for the start of school.  These were just my tips on how to make this year the best year yet!  Let me know if these tips helped you or if you have any tips you would like to share with me! 





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Beat the Back to School Blues!

 Beat the Back to School Blues!

Beat the Back to School Blues!

Beat the Back to School Blues!

It’s that time of year again: the start of a new school year.  This time of year has excited some and filled others with dread.  I was always the student who looked forward to the start of the school year!  Each new school year brought new possibilities and opportunities to my door.  This has held true, especially in college.  Unlike high school, college gives you the chance to take the classes that fully interest and excite you.  My schedule for the upcoming year is awesome, and I can’t wait to dive into each class!  I know, however, that not everyone shares my enthusiasm, so today I will be giving some tips on how to cope with starting school again!


1.  Realize that the start of school is the start of your future.  This idea may sound scary to a lot (believe me, it scares me too).  We should be excited though, because we have the opportunity to impact our future lives and the lives of others.  This idea should make you jump out of bed every morning, striving to do your best.  Just think, your decision to major in political science or history or biology or even dance will impact someone else’s life.  You may end up becoming our next president, curing cancer, or inspiring others to pursue their dreams, no matter how hard it will be.


2.  Dress to impress!  Okay, the last tip was something for you to think about.  This tip is something for you to feel.  We all feel our best when we are dressed in clothes that we like and that shows off our personality.  This is why I suggest that you wear your best outfit on the first day of school.  Now, I don’t mean wearing a ball gown or a tux, or anything even remotely fancy.  I mean that you should wear the outfit that makes you the most comfortable and confident.  Confidence goes a long way in helping one feel their best!


3.  Keep a positive attitude.  This seems simple and, at times, hard to follow.  I completely understand this.  There are times when all of the homework and extracurricular activities start to weigh me down and I get tired and discouraged.  These feelings are hard to ignore; I do, however, have a strategy for coping with them.  I just think about the future I am envisioning for myself.  As soon as I think about that, I know that all of the hard work and long hours I am putting in now will benefit me in the long run.  I know that I am working for the life I want to live, and that gives me hope.


In the end, there is no right way to prepare for the start of school.  These were just my tips on how to make this year the best year yet!  Let me know if these tips helped you or if you have any tips you would like to share with me!