3 Overlooked Steps When Applying For Internships

May 21,2015

With the internship world becoming more and more competitive, it's important to understand how to make the most out of an internship, what your goals are and what you want to get out of it, and what you can do to make your application stand out. We are so excited for Lauren to share with you her tips and tricks! Don't forget it's not too late to apply for internships this summer, so after reading what Lauren has to say, check out these internships!


Why is it important for students to intern before graduating?

Internships provide students with an experience that helps them understand the field they want to go into. Once a student leaves an internship they have more knowledge and experience in that industry and can decide if it’s a world they want to pursue after college. It’s powerful to be able to say YES I want to do something or NO I don’t want to something, after an internship.


What are three overlooked steps students miss when they apply for internships?

Students typically don’t follow up. They should follow up on internships with no deadline posted 1-2 weeks after they send in their materials. Also, students should apply for at least 10 opportunities each semester. And – make sure you aren’t sending the same generic materials to every company. Employers can tell when they are reading a cover letter that was sent to 10 other places.


What advice do you have for a recent graduate who will be interning before being considered for a full-time position?

This is a great opportunity to learn the ropes, make a positive impression on as many people as possible, and learn/absorb as many skills/information as you can! Take advantage of it!


How does a student find an internship when he or she is still unsure about what career path they want?

When I was in college, I printed out a list of majors and started circling things that were appealing to me – I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I ended up circling things like marketing, PR, advertising, communications. I figured I had to start somewhere so my first internship was at a PR firm. That first opportunity helped me understand what I liked and what I didn’t like.


In what ways does a potential employer see value in a virtual internship on a student’s resume?

A virtual internship shows that a student can creatively communicate, self-motivate, and work hard – even when they aren’t in an office every day. It’s important for a student who has participated in a virtual internship to tell other employers how they maintained positive communication styles with their employers when they were working from home.


How does a student make sure his or her internship is more than just coffee runs?

Make a list of learning objectives for yourself. Give the internship two weeks and if it’s not going well or you aren’t doing what you’d like to do, request a meeting with your supervisor. Be solution oriented, polite, and honest about what you’d like to do more of at the company.


Are cover letters necessary? If so, should a student focus on conveying his or her personality or academics?

Yes, cover letters help students connect the dots for the employer. A student should focus on displaying their personality, academics, and why they are the best person for the position in the cover letter.


What advice do you have for a student who is going back to school 15 years later and needs an internship but doesn’t fit the traditional intern profile?

Don’t be afraid of rejection. Take a risk. Put yourself out there. Do everything that a student who does fit the typical intern profile would do. Tell the company how excited you would be to work with them. This isn’t unheard of – hold your head high – be confident – and get that offer.


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3 Overlooked Steps When Applying For Internships

 3 Overlooked Steps When Applying For Internships

3 Overlooked Steps When Applying For Internships

3 Overlooked Steps When Applying For Internships

With the internship world becoming more and more competitive, it's important to understand how to make the most out of an internship, what your goals are and what you want to get out of it, and what you can do to make your application stand out. We are so excited for Lauren to share with you her tips and tricks! Don't forget it's not too late to apply for internships this summer, so after reading what Lauren has to say, check out these internships!


Why is it important for students to intern before graduating?

Internships provide students with an experience that helps them understand the field they want to go into. Once a student leaves an internship they have more knowledge and experience in that industry and can decide if it’s a world they want to pursue after college. It’s powerful to be able to say YES I want to do something or NO I don’t want to something, after an internship.


What are three overlooked steps students miss when they apply for internships?

Students typically don’t follow up. They should follow up on internships with no deadline posted 1-2 weeks after they send in their materials. Also, students should apply for at least 10 opportunities each semester. And – make sure you aren’t sending the same generic materials to every company. Employers can tell when they are reading a cover letter that was sent to 10 other places.


What advice do you have for a recent graduate who will be interning before being considered for a full-time position?

This is a great opportunity to learn the ropes, make a positive impression on as many people as possible, and learn/absorb as many skills/information as you can! Take advantage of it!


How does a student find an internship when he or she is still unsure about what career path they want?

When I was in college, I printed out a list of majors and started circling things that were appealing to me – I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I ended up circling things like marketing, PR, advertising, communications. I figured I had to start somewhere so my first internship was at a PR firm. That first opportunity helped me understand what I liked and what I didn’t like.


In what ways does a potential employer see value in a virtual internship on a student’s resume?

A virtual internship shows that a student can creatively communicate, self-motivate, and work hard – even when they aren’t in an office every day. It’s important for a student who has participated in a virtual internship to tell other employers how they maintained positive communication styles with their employers when they were working from home.


How does a student make sure his or her internship is more than just coffee runs?

Make a list of learning objectives for yourself. Give the internship two weeks and if it’s not going well or you aren’t doing what you’d like to do, request a meeting with your supervisor. Be solution oriented, polite, and honest about what you’d like to do more of at the company.


Are cover letters necessary? If so, should a student focus on conveying his or her personality or academics?

Yes, cover letters help students connect the dots for the employer. A student should focus on displaying their personality, academics, and why they are the best person for the position in the cover letter.


What advice do you have for a student who is going back to school 15 years later and needs an internship but doesn’t fit the traditional intern profile?

Don’t be afraid of rejection. Take a risk. Put yourself out there. Do everything that a student who does fit the typical intern profile would do. Tell the company how excited you would be to work with them. This isn’t unheard of – hold your head high – be confident – and get that offer.